18 Jul

Reading and group discussion:  Copies of this book were given to each member of the Grandfamilies support group by the Miami County Families and Children First Council (FCF).  We are so grateful for such a generous donation. Thank you to Cody Odom of FCF for his generous support of our efforts.  This book about trauma (and more importantly, healing from trauma) was read with great interest by our members.

Dr Van Der Kolk, MD writes with impeccable detail in his descriptions of the brain, mind and body, and how traumas in life have an impact on us; big traumas and small ones, first-hand traumas and secondary traumas--probably all of us can understand and relate to some degree.  We may be personally affected by grief, loss, or trauma, or we most likely know someone who has been affected.

This book discussion was actually the result of brainstorming by Ann Marie and social worker (turned yoga instructor) Debbie Flynn. These two women collaborated in leading discussion and helping participants to sort out their learnings. It's been a wonderful growth experience.  Thanks to all who participated!

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